Quick Tips for Improving State of Mind

Let’s clear that bad energy out of here…

Let’s clear that bad energy out of here…

Are you struggling to stay focused/positive/energized/enthusiastic these days working at home?! Ugh, me too. I mean what day of quarantine are we on?!

Asking cause some days I feel like I’m on a lonely island! And not some amazingly serene Mediterranean coast where I have a sexy butler bringing me cocktails (Cole – don’t get jealous, you know I’m obsessed with you and who doesn’t like some eye candy?!). Yesterday was one of those rough days for me.

Some days I feel great and inspired and ready to tackle EVERYTHING. And then there are those days like yesterday where I feel like my head is spinning, can’t focus on anything, anxious emotions circling here and there, back to the To Do list, then some snacks…I mean, heeeeelp. I’m sure you may be feeling different waves of emotions these days too… cause I mean, do I even need to say it?! #covid #quarantine #justlife

Yesterday I got to the point of having TOO much time at home where I felt like I wanted to explode. I had so much trouble focusing and becoming productive. Even though I already checked off working out that morning, once that afternoon hit, and typically around 3ish pm on rough days I really start to lose it. Like losing it to the point where my coworkers are my three dogs and I’ve been talking to them every step I take in the house, telling them about what i'm thinking about, what I’m doing and what I think I’ll be doing next… then realizing whoa, am I still going?! Breeeeath girl. Once that 3pm ticker came along, I decided I needed to just move my body, get the hell out of the house, change of scenery, and FAST or it will be a slippery slope down meltdownville.  SO, I immediately just went for a run in the major Dallas heat, but I didn’t care. I just really needed it. My brain needed it. And I think the dogs needed a break from my venting also. #doubtful 

Thank goodness I went running cause it made me feel 100% better. I know lots of people recommend breathing and moving your body to positively change your current state and in such an immediate way, but MAN are they right!

What if I share my 4 quick and easy tips that I practice to improve shitty days? These tips help me press that restart button, improve my mood, relieve stress, feel energized and empowered to kick some mother f*ckin ass. Plus, two bonus tips if you get to the very end!


Shall we dive in?


Acknowledging that you are in a frustrated state is bigger than it sounds. Taking a pause, realizing how we feel and then acknowledging that we need to make a shift is SUPER important to move forward on a positive track. Working from home alone will tend to keep you in your head, sitting with your own thoughts that just circle and circle. Taking a moment to realize your feelings are not positive or helpful will direct you to STOP what you are doing and make a change. So, don’t be ashamed, or tell yourself you are just overreacting…. “I’m fine, no really, I’m fine” … cause you probably are NOT, and that’s OK! But let’s now make you feel GOOD, doesn’t have to be great but good is major improvement.

STEP 2: Hydrate / Breath

Do several hours pass by sometimes or even the ENTIRE DAY and you realize you barely had any water to drink?? Yeah, me too. So simple but so bad! Just go and chug some water. Not a La Croix, go and pretend you are literally in a chugging contest with yourself and chug the SH*T out of some water.

THEN, take some deep breaths in. Stand up, raise your hands above you while taking the biggest breath you have ever taken, raise your hands back down and do it again, and again, and again. I like to do at least 5 deep breaths. This step just in itself, as simple and silly it may feel, REALLY does make that immediate quick shift in your mind and overall state.


As I shared, I went for an immediate run because I love music and I know it changes my mood quickly, so I plug in my headphones, blast some electronic or 90’s pop and RUN. It helps me clear my head so damn fast even though most times I REALLY don’t feel like doing it. If you don’t like to run, here are some quick body movements you can do:


  • 5 Jumping Jacks

  • 5 Jumping Lounges (switching legs)

  • 5 burpees

Repeat 3 times

Stretches: (Whichever 3 stretches you want/need most!) For example;

  • Stretch down to your toes

  • Stretch your arms all the way to the left, then all the way to your right

  • Stretch your hamstrings

  • Rotate your arms like you are swimming frontwards and then backwards

STEP 4: Thank your blessings

There is always something you can find to be grateful for! I’m sure you have heard about how powerful meditation can be, but if you are like me and have not really mastered that skill yet, here is a quick hack I like to do to keep me grounded. I simply think about 3-5 things that I am grateful for. It could be as simple as being grateful for:

  • Waking up another day being healthy

  • For a sunny day

  • For a loving family and supportive friends

  • For being safe and having a roof over your head

  • For simply being able to walk! and just move your body

  • Or even for your allergies not acting up (ugh!)

I could go on for hours but it quickly puts things back in perspective for me that EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. is a god damn blessing. We have SO many things to be grateful for especially during these crazy #Covid pandemic times. Life can always be more challenging, so let’s appreciate what we have.

Still here?  Wow, loving it! Either you are a quick reader (not like me) or just a bad ass that actually wants to change their habits for the better!


When we are isolated for so long, its so easy to kind of keep it that way and act like a hermit. Keep your thoughts to yourself, keep that stress boiling to yourself, thinking that everyone has something going on so I don’t need to share my feelings with anyone and bother them! NOT TRUE! Let’s be serious, venting always helps. Don’t let it be a long drawn out moment, because we don’t want to focus your brain on the negative BUT just texting a positive person you are close with, such as your spouse, partner, bf/gf, your best friend, your mom, your sibling, your co worker…who ever you feel the most comfortable with, and just say, “you know I’m having a shitty day. I feel like I’m losing my mind! – how are you doing?!” I’m sure they will respond with comforting words of encouragement because we have ALL had bad days! Don’t dwell on it, make it quick but just a quick note will make you feel better and also let’s the other person know that you are there to support them as well.

BONUS TIP #2: CHANGe of setting

Lastlyyyy, make a change in your daily routine if for example you are like me and can’t work from home every day. Make a change the next day to change your surroundings. Examples:

  • Go work outside somewhere for a little while if you can

  • Go to a coffee shop (if you feel comfortable in your market to be in public right now)

  • Go to a different room in your house even! Pretend your kitchen is a new coffee shop, get creative!

I ended up going to work at a co-working space with the hubs. He is renting out a large office in a co-working space and figured I really NEED to change my work environment so why not?! It felt amazing and I reminded myself that I need to be more self-aware of myself and my state because that way I wont get to a low dipping point and I will hopefully keep myself balanced more frequently!

BOOM, there ya have it! These steps and tips are just a couple of simple and quick ways (that work for ME) to press that restart button, improve my mood, relieve stress, feel energized and feel empowered BUT it doesn’t mean it has to work for you the same way. If there is one thing to take away from here it is to be more mindful and self-aware of your feelings and have an open mind and drive to change it.  Now go kick some ass!